how to replace value of cells in a cell array with a value in matlab

To replace values of cells within a cell array in Matlab, you can use the curly brackets {} to access the cells, and then assign new values using the equals sign =. Here's an example code:

% Define a cell array with 3 cells
myCellArray = {'apple', 'banana', 'cherry'};

% Replace the value in the second cell
myCellArray{2} = 'grapefruit';

% Check the new cell array values
205 chars
9 lines


'apple'    'grapefruit'    'cherry'
36 chars
2 lines

In this example, we first defined a cell array myCellArray with 3 cells. Then, we used curly brackets to access the second cell (which contains 'banana') and assigned a new value ('grapefruit') to it. Finally, we displayed the updated cell array using the disp() function.

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