design the function function out = mse_vs_m(x_tr, t_tr, x_te, t_te) that uses all given samples in the split data sets and then computes the empirical mse test loss in matlab

function out = mse_vs_m(x_tr, t_tr, x_te, t_te)
%Function to compute empirical MSE test loss
%x_tr: Training input data matrix
%t_tr: Training target data vector
%x_te: Test input data matrix
%t_te: Test target data vector
%out: Empirical MSE test loss

n_tr = length(t_tr); %Number of training samples
n_te = length(t_te); %Number of test samples
out = zeros(1, n_te); %Initialize the output variable

%For each value of m, compute the corresponding MSE value on test data
for m = 1:n_tr
    x_m = x_tr(1:m, :); %Training input data matrix for m samples
    t_m = t_tr(1:m); %Training target data vector for m samples
    %Compute weight vector using training data
    w = (x_m'*x_m)\x_m'*t_m;
    %Compute predicted target values for test data
    y_te = x_te*w;
    %Compute the MSE value for this value of m
    out(m) = sum((t_te-y_te).^2)/n_te;
893 chars
30 lines

In this function, we first compute the number of training and test samples using the length function. We initialize the output variable out as a zero vector with length equal to the number of test samples. We then loop over each value of m, where m is the number of training samples to be used for learning. For each value of m, we extract the first m samples from the training data and compute the weight vector w using the closed-form solution. We then predict the target values for the test data and compute the corresponding MSE value using the sum-square error formula. Finally, we store this value in the out vector. The function returns the out vector which contains the empirical MSE test loss for each value of m.

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