press f to move to the next element in matlab

You can use the KeyPressFcn callback of a figure handle to detect the 'f' key press event and move to the next element. Here's an example code:

% Sample data
data = [1 2 3 4 5];

% Create a figure
fig = figure();

% Create a text object to display the data
txt = text(0.5, 0.5, num2str(data(1)));
txt.FontSize = 30;

% Set the KeyPressFcn callback
fig.KeyPressFcn = @moveNext;

% Define the callback function
function moveNext(src, event)
    if strcmp(event.Key, 'f')
        % Move to the next element
        txt.String = num2str(data(mod(find(data == str2double(txt.String))+1, length(data))+1));
469 chars
21 lines

In this example, the KeyPressFcn callback function moveNext is defined to check whether the pressed key is 'f' and move to the next element in the data array, and update the displayed text accordingly.

gistlibby LogSnag