replace the outliers of co2_clean with nans. in matlab

You can replace the outliers of co2_clean with NaNs using the following approach:

  1. Calculate the interquartile range (IQR) of the co2_clean data.
  2. Define the upper and lower bounds as the values outside the range of (Q1 - 1.5*IQR) and (Q3 + 1.5*IQR), where Q1 and Q3 are the first and third quartiles of the co2_clean data, respectively.
  3. Replace the values of co2_clean that are outside the bounds with NaNs, using the logical indexing.

Here's the code:

Q = quantile(co2_clean,[0.25 0.75]);
IQR = Q(2)-Q(1);
upper_bound = Q(2) + 1.5*IQR;
lower_bound = Q(1) - 1.5*IQR;
co2_clean(co2_clean > upper_bound | co2_clean < lower_bound) = NaN;
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This will replace the outliers in co2_clean with NaN.

gistlibby LogSnag