random waypoint in matlab

To simulate the random waypoint model in MATLAB, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Define the simulation parameters:

    • duration: Duration of the simulation in seconds.
    • speedMin and speedMax: Minimum and maximum speed for the nodes in meters per second.
    • pauseMin and pauseMax: Minimum and maximum pause time in seconds before the next waypoint is chosen.
    • area: Area of the simulation region in meters.
  2. Generate random initial positions and speeds for the nodes:

    • numNodes: Number of nodes in the simulation.
    • positions: Random starting positions for the nodes within the simulation area.
    • speeds: Random speeds for the nodes within the speed range.
  3. Update node positions at each time step:

    • For each node:
      • Check if the node has reached its current waypoint.
      • If yes, generate a new random waypoint within the simulation area.
      • Calculate the distance to the waypoint based on the node's speed and the elapsed time.
      • Update the node's position towards the waypoint.
      • If the node has reached the waypoint, pause for a random duration before generating the next waypoint.

Here is an example code snippet to implement the random waypoint model in MATLAB:

% Simulation parameters
duration = 100; % seconds
speedMin = 1; % meters per second
speedMax = 5; % meters per second
pauseMin = 1; % seconds
pauseMax = 5; % seconds
area = 100; % meters

% Number of nodes
numNodes = 10;

% Generate random initial positions and speeds for the nodes
positions = area * rand(numNodes, 2);
speeds = speedMin + (speedMax-speedMin) * rand(numNodes, 1);

% Simulate random waypoint model
for t = 0:0.1:duration
    for i = 1:numNodes
        % Check if node has reached its current waypoint
        waypointReached = false;
        if distance(positions(i,:), waypoint) < speed * 0.1 % 0.1 is the time step
            waypointReached = true;
        % Generate new random waypoint if reached or not set yet
        if waypointReached || ~exist('waypoint', 'var')
            waypoint = area * rand(1, 2); % Random waypoint within the simulation area
            % Calculate pause time before generating next waypoint
            pauseTime = pauseMin + (pauseMax-pauseMin) * rand;
        % Calculate distance and direction towards the waypoint
        distanceToWaypoint = distance(positions(i,:), waypoint);
        direction = (waypoint - positions(i,:)) / distanceToWaypoint;
        % Update node position towards the waypoint
        positions(i,:) = positions(i,:) + speeds(i) * 0.1 * direction; % 0.1 is the time step
        % Pause if waypoint reached
        if waypointReached
    % Visualization code goes here
1584 chars
48 lines

Note: This code assumes you have a distance() function that calculates the Euclidean distance between two points.

In the above example, a simple loop is used to iterate the simulation for a specified duration. It updates the positions of each node based on their speed, direction, and distance to the waypoint. Additionally, it generates a new random waypoint and pauses if a node has reached its current waypoint.

Please modify the simulation parameters and visualization code according to your requirements.

gistlibby LogSnag