solve heat conduction equation pde in matlab using implicit euler for time and central differencing for space in matlab in matlab

To solve the heat conduction equation PDE in MATLAB using implicit Euler for time and central differencing for space:

  1. Define the problem parameters, such as the boundary conditions, initial conditions, and material properties.

  2. Discretize the problem domain using a grid of evenly spaced points in space. In central differencing, we may use a second-order approximation for the second derivative of the solution with respect to space.

  3. Formulate the system of equations that arise from the discretization process, which will be in the form of a tridiagonal matrix.

  4. Solve the system of equations using MATLAB's built-in tridiag function.

  5. Update the solution at the next time step using the computed values.

Here's a sample code snippet:

% Define problem parameters
L = 1;      % Length of rod
T = 1;      % Final time
n = 10;     % Number of grid points
m = 100;    % Number of time steps
a = 0.1;    % Thermal diffusivity
h = L/n;

% Discretize the problem domain
x = linspace(0, L, n+1)';
t = linspace(0, T, m+1)';
u = zeros(n+1, m+1);

% Set initial condition
u(:,1) = sin(pi*x/L);

% Set boundary conditions
u(1,:) = 0;
u(n+1,:) = 0;

% Create tridiagonal matrix
r = a/h^2;
A = diag(1+2*r*ones(n-1,1)) + diag(-r*ones(n-2,1),1) + diag(-r*ones(n-2,1),-1);

% Set time step size
dt = T/m;

% Update solution at each time step
for k=2:m+1
    % Right-hand side of equation
    b = u(2:n,k-1) + r*(u(3:n+1,k-1)-2*u(2:n,k-1)+u(1:n-1,k-1));
    b(1) = b(1) + r*u(1,k);
    b(n-1) = b(n-1) + r*u(n+1,k);
    % Solve tridiagonal system of equations
    u(2:n,k) = tridiag(A,b);

% Plot the solution
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Note that the tridiag function is not a built-in MATLAB function, but you can easily create your own using the Thomas algorithm or use a package like the Numerical Recipes in C.

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