generate an involute gear tooth profile for a circular gear in matlab

function involuteGearProfile(pitch_radius, pressure_angle, num_teeth)
    % Define module
    module = 2 * pitch_radius / num_teeth;
    % Calculate base circle radius
    base_radius = pitch_radius * cosd(pressure_angle);
    % Create an array of theta values
    theta_array = linspace(0, pi, 1000);
    % Calculate the involute curve
    r = base_radius * sqrt(1 + (tan(theta_array) - theta_array).^2);
    % Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
    x = r .* cos(theta_array) - module * theta_array * sind(pressure_angle);
    y = r .* sin(theta_array) + module * theta_array * cosd(pressure_angle);
    % Plot the gear profile
    plot(x, y);
    axis equal;

% Example usage with pitch radius of 40 mm, pressure angle of 20 degrees, and 20 teeth
involuteGearProfile(40, 20, 20);
827 chars
25 lines

In this code snippet, we define a function involuteGearProfile that generates the involute tooth profile for a circular gear based on the input parameters. The function calculates the involute curve points using the provided equations and plots the resulting gear profile.

gistlibby LogSnag