how to loop over dates in matlab

You can use datetime and days functions to loop over dates in Matlab. Here's an example:

start_date = datetime('2022-01-01');
end_date = datetime('2022-12-31');

current_date = start_date;

while current_date <= end_date
    % do something with current date
    % increment current date
    current_date = current_date + days(1);
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In this example, we start with a start date of January 1st, 2022 and end on December 31st, 2022. Then, we create a loop that starts with the current_date set to the start_date and continues until we have reached the end_date. Inside the loop, we can do whatever operation we want with the current date, and then increment the current date by one day using the days(1) function.

Note that you can adjust the start_date and end_date to whatever dates you need.

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