imds to mat file in matlab

IMDS stands for ImageDatastore in MATLAB. If you want to convert the image data from an IMDS to .mat file, you can follow these steps:

% Create an imageDatastore object
imds = imageDatastore('directory_containing_images','ReadFcn',@readAndPreprocess);

% Read the data from the imageDatastore object into a cell array
data = cell(numel(imds.Files),1);
for i = 1:numel(imds.Files)
    data{i} = read(imds);

% Save the data as a .mat file
332 chars
12 lines

In the above code, you first create an imds object using the imageDatastore function. The readAndPreprocess function specifies any preprocessing steps that should be applied to the images before they are read.

Next, you create a cell array data with the same number of elements as the number of image files in your imds. You then use a for loop to read each image from your imds and store it in the data array.

Finally, you save the data cell array as a .mat file using the save function.

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