write a video processing code using cnn to detect epilepsy in matlab

Here is an example code for video processing using CNN to detect epilepsy in Matlab:

% Load the pre-trained CNN
net = alexnet;

% Specify the layers to be replaced
layers = net.Layers;
layers(end-2) = fullyConnectedLayer(2);
layers(end) = classificationLayer;

% Load the training data
imds = imageDatastore('epilepsyImages','IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames');
[imdsTrain, imdsValidation] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.7,'randomize');

% Specify the training options
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
    'MiniBatchSize',10, ...
    'MaxEpochs',10, ...
    'InitialLearnRate',1e-4, ...
    'ValidationData',imdsValidation, ...
    'ValidationFrequency',3, ...
    'Verbose',false, ...

% Train the network
net = trainNetwork(imdsTrain,layers,options);

% Load the test video
video = VideoReader('epilepsyVideo.avi');
numFrames = video.Framerate * video.Duration;

% Specify the output file
outputVideo = VideoWriter('epilepsyDetection.avi');
outputVideo.FrameRate = video.Framerate;

% Process each frame of the video
for i = 1:numFrames
    frame = readFrame(video);
    % Resize and pre-process the frame
    inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize;
    newFrame = imresize(frame,inputSize(1:2));
    newFrame = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize,newFrame);
    newFrame = read(newFrame);
    newFrame = im2double(newFrame);
    % Make a prediction using the CNN
    [pred,scores] = classify(net,newFrame);
    % Overlay the prediction on the video frame
    if pred == 'epilepsy'
        frame = insertText(frame,[10 10],char(pred),'FontSize',18,'BoxColor','red','TextColor','white');
    % Write the frame to the output file

% Close the output file
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60 lines

This code uses the "alexnet" pre-trained CNN model for image classification. The last two layers of the model are replaced with a fully connected layer and a classification layer to adapt the model for binary classification of "epilepsy" or "non-epilepsy" videos. The training data is loaded from folders of images with their labels specified by the folder names. The model is trained using the 'sgdm' optimizer for 10 epochs. The test video is loaded and processed frame by frame. The frames are resized and pre-processed to match the input size of the model. A prediction is made using the model and if the prediction is "epilepsy", the text "epilepsy" is overlaid on the frame in red color. Finally, the processed frames are written to an output video file.

gistlibby LogSnag