code a solar still in a function block in matlab

Here is an example code of a solar still in a function block in MATLAB:

function [distilledWater, saltRemaining] = solarStill(saltWater, solarFlux, airVelocity, stillArea, stillEfficiency)
% Inputs:
% saltWater: the mass of salt water in kg
% solarFlux: the solar radiation in W/m^2
% airVelocity: the wind speed in m/s
% stillArea: the surface area of the still in m^2
% stillEfficiency: the efficiency of the still as a decimal value
% Outputs:
% distilledWater: the mass of distilled water in kg
% saltRemaining: the mass of salt remaining in the still in kg

% Constants
SALT_WATER_DENSITY = 1025; % kg/m^3
WATER_DENSITY = 1000; % kg/m^3

% Calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the still
heatAbsorbed = solarFlux * stillArea * stillEfficiency;

% Calculate the mass of distilled water
distilledWater = heatAbsorbed / LATENT_HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION;

% Calculate the mass of salt remaining
initialSalt = saltWater * SEA_SALT_CONCENTRATION / 1000;
saltRemaining = (saltWater - distilledWater) * SEA_SALT_CONCENTRATION / 1000;

% Calculate the temperature change of the salt water and the air
deltaTSaltWater = heatAbsorbed / (saltWater * SALT_WATER_SPECIFIC_HEAT);
deltaTAir = heatAbsorbed / (airVelocity * WATER_DENSITY * stillArea);

1303 chars
35 lines

The solarStill function takes in the mass of salt water, solar radiation, wind speed, surface area of the still, and efficiency of the still. It then returns the mass of distilled water and salt remaining.

The function uses constants such as the density and specific heat of salt water to calculate the temperature change of the salt water and air. The function also uses the latent heat of vaporization of water to calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the still and the mass of distilled water.

Note that this is just an example implementation and it may not be accurate or applicable to all situations.

gistlibby LogSnag