generate arxml code in matlab

To generate ARXML (AUTOSAR XML) code in Matlab, follow these steps:

  1. Create an AUTOSAR software component in Simulink. To do this, go to the Simulink Library Browser, navigate to Automotive > AUTOSAR, and drag the "AUTOSAR Component" block into your Simulink model.

  2. Configure the component by adding software ports, interfaces, and other elements as necessary. You can do this by double-clicking on the AUTOSAR Component block and using the dialog box that appears.

  3. Once the component is configured, go to the "Code Generation" tab in the Simulink model. Under "System target file", select an AUTOSAR-compliant system target file, such as "ert.tlc" for Embedded Coder.

  4. Under "Interface", select "AUTOSAR". This will enable AUTOSAR-specific code generation options.

  5. Generate code by clicking the "Build" button in the "Code Generation" tab. The generated code will include ARXML files for your software component, which can be found in the "autosar" folder of the generated code directory.

Here's an example of the MATLAB script that should do all of these steps:

% Define the Simulink model name
modelName = 'my_model';

% Open the model

% Add an AUTOSAR component block to the model
add_block('simulink_library/Automotive/AUTOSAR/AUTOSAR Component', [modelName '/My Component']);

% Configure the component as needed, using the Component dialog box

% Set the system target file to ert.tlc and the interface to AUTOSAR
set_param(modelName, 'SystemTargetFile', 'ert.tlc');
set_param(modelName, 'Interface', 'AUTOSAR');

% Generate code
519 chars
18 lines

Make sure to substitute "my_model" with the name of your Simulink model, and "My Component" with the name of your software component block.

gistlibby LogSnag