create target description in matlab

To create a target description in MATLAB, you can use the annotation function. This function enables you to add various types of annotations, such as text or arrows, to a specific part of a plot or figure in MATLAB.

To create a target description, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, create a figure or a plot that represents the target you want to describe.

  2. Use the annotation function and specify the textbox type to create a text box that will contain your description. You can specify the position of the text box using the Position parameter.

% Example
fig = figure; % Create figure
plot(1:10); % Create plot
description = "This is my target"; % Target description
txtbox = annotation('textbox', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], 'String', description, 'FitBoxToText','on'); % Add text box
txtbox.Position = [0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2]; % Adjust text box position
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In the above example, a figure is created with a simple plot. A target description, "This is my target", is defined and a text box is added to the figure using the annotation function. The Position parameter is then used to adjust the position and size of the text box.

  1. You can also add other types of annotations, such as shapes or arrows, to the plot to highlight certain features of the target you are describing.
% Example
fig = figure; % Create figure
plot(1:10); % Create plot
description = "This is my target"; % Target description
txtbox = annotation('textbox', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], 'String', description, 'FitBoxToText','on'); % Add text box
arrowx = [0.3 0.4]; % X-coordinates for arrow
arrowy = [0.4 0.4]; % Y-coordinates for arrow
arrow = annotation('arrow',arrowx, arrowy); % Add arrow
383 chars
9 lines

In this example, an arrow is added using the arrow type of the annotation function to highlight a specific feature of the target. The positions for the arrow are specified using x- and y-coordinates.

gistlibby LogSnag