To enable auto-completion for varargin in MATLAB when writing a function, you need to use the inputParser function.
Here is an example code for a functionthattakesavariablenumberofinputsusing `varargin`, andusesthe `inputParser` toenableauto-completion:
functionmyFunction(varargin)% MYFUNCTION Example function with variable number of inputs.% myFunction(arg1,arg2,arg3,...) Description of the function goes here.% arg1, arg2, arg3, ... - Description of input arguments goes here.
p = inputParser;
p.CaseSensitive = false;
optparam1 = p.Results.OptionalParam1;
optparam2 = p.Results.OptionalParam2;
% Now you can use optparam1 and optparam2 in your function.end ```
By defining the input parameters of your functionusing `addParameter`, MATLABwillauto-completethenamesoftheparametersforyouwhenyouusethisfunction. Youcanalsospecifydefaultvaluesandvalidationfunctionsforeachinputparameter.