create processor description in matlab

To create a description for a custom processor in MATLAB, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open the MATLAB editor and create a new function file with a name that reflects your processor function. For example, if your processor function is named myProcessorFunc, name the file myProcessorFunc.m.

  2. At the beginning of the file, add a comment section that explains the purpose of the processor and how it should be used. This section should include a brief overview of the input and output arguments, as well as any assumptions or limitations for the function.

% myProcessorFunc - Custom processor function for data analysis
% Usage:
%   [outputArg1,outputArg2] = myProcessorFunc(inputArg1,inputArg2)
% Inputs:
%   inputArg1 - Description of input argument 1
%   inputArg2 - Description of input argument 2
% Outputs:
%   outputArg1 - Description of output argument 1
%   outputArg2 - Description of output argument 2
% Assumptions and limitations: 
%   - Assumption 1
%   - Assumption 2
%   - Limitation 1
% Example:
%   data = [1 2; 3 4];
%   result = myProcessorFunc(data, 'option1', 5);
540 chars
22 lines
  1. Throughout the function code, add comments to explain each line or section of code. These comments should clarify how the processor works and detail any computations or modifications made to the input data.
function [outputArg1,outputArg2] = myProcessorFunc(inputArg1,inputArg2)
% myProcessorFunc - Custom processor function for data analysis
% Usage:
%   [outputArg1,outputArg2] = myProcessorFunc(inputArg1,inputArg2)
% Inputs:
%   inputArg1 - Description of input argument 1
%   inputArg2 - Description of input argument 2
% Outputs:
%   outputArg1 - Description of output argument 1
%   outputArg2 - Description of output argument 2
% Assumptions and limitations: 
%   - Assumption 1
%   - Assumption 2
%   - Limitation 1
% Example:
%   data = [1 2; 3 4];
%   result = myProcessorFunc(data, 'option1', 5);

% Code section 1: Compute the mean of inputArg1
meanInput = mean(inputArg1, 2); % Compute mean along dimension 2

% Code section 2: Apply inputArg2 to inputArg1
if strcmpi(inputArg2, 'option1')
    outputArg1 = inputArg1 * 2;
    outputArg1 = inputArg1 * 3;

% Code section 3: Compute outputArg2 based on the values of outputArg1
if any(outputArg1(:) < 0)
    outputArg2 = 'input contains negative values';
    outputArg2 = 'input does not contain negative values';

1102 chars
42 lines
  1. After writing the function, save the file and generate a help description by typing help myProcessorFunc in the command window. This will display the comment section you created earlier, providing users with a quick reference to the processor's purpose, input/output formats, assumptions, and example usage.
help myProcessorFunc

myProcessorFunc - Custom processor function for data analysis

  [outputArg1,outputArg2] = myProcessorFunc(inputArg1,inputArg2)

  inputArg1 - Description of input argument 1
  inputArg2 - Description of input argument 2

  outputArg1 - Description of output argument 1
  outputArg2 - Description of output argument 2

Assumptions and limitations: 
  - Assumption 1
  - Assumption 2
  - Limitation 1

  data = [1 2; 3 4];
  result = myProcessorFunc(data, 'option1', 5)
524 chars
24 lines

gistlibby LogSnag