apply a kalman filter to data in matlab

To apply a Kalman filter to data in Matlab, you can use the following steps:

  1. Define the state-space model: The first step in using a Kalman filter is to define the state-space model which describes the system you are trying to estimate. This model consists of a set of parameter matrices A, B, C, and D, which relate the state, input, output and measurement noise vectors.

  2. Initialize the filter: Once you have defined the state-space model, you need to initialize the Kalman filter by setting the initial state vector and the covariance matrix.

  3. Read in data: In Matlab, read in the data that you want to apply the Kalman filter to.

  4. Initialize the estimate: Initialize the estimate of the state and error covariance matrices.

  5. Apply the filter: Apply the Kalman filter to the data using the kalman function in Matlab.

% Define the state-space model
dt = 0.1;
A = [1 dt; 0 1];
B = [dt^2/2; dt];
C = [1 0];
D = 0;

% Initialize the filter
x0 = [0; 0];
P0 = eye(2);
Q = eye(2);
R = 1;

% Read in data
t = 0:dt:10;
u = 10*sin(t);
y = u + randn(size(t));

% Initialize the estimate
x = zeros(2, length(t));
P = zeros(2, 2, length(t));
x(:, 1) = x0;
P(:, :, 1) = P0;

% Apply the filter
for k = 2:length(t)
    [x(:, k), P(:, :, k)] = kalman(A, B, C, D, Q, R, u(k), y(k), x(:, k-1), P(:, :, k-1));

% Plot the results
plot(t, u, 'b', t, y, 'g', t, x(1, :), 'r');
legend('Input', 'Measured', 'Estimated');
xlabel('Time (s)');
631 chars
36 lines

This code defines a state-space model for a simple system with one input and one output which is driven by a sine wave. It then initializes the filter and reads in some simulated data. Finally, it applies the Kalman filter to the data and plots the input, measured and estimated data.

gistlibby LogSnag