add columes to table from array in matlab

To add a column to a table from an array in MATLAB, you can use the addvars function. The addvars function adds one or more variables as new columns to a table.

Consider the following example where we have a table T and an array A. We will add the array A as a column to the table T.

% Creating a sample table and array
T = table([1;2;3;4;5],'VariableNames',{'A'});
A = [10;20;30;40;50];

% Adding the array A as a new column to the table T
T = addvars(T,A,'After','A','NewVariableNames','B');
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In the above code snippet, we first create a table T with a single column A. We also create an array A. Then, we use the addvars function to add the array A as a new column named B to the table T. The 'After','A' argument ensures that the new column is added after the existing column A.

After running the above code, the table T will contain two columns A and B, where the values in the column B are the same as the values in the array A.

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