write array to animated gif in matlab

You can use the imwrite function in MATLAB to write a sequence of images to an animated GIF file. To do this, you need to generate a series of frames, each containing the state of the array at a particular time. You can then save all these frames to an animated GIF using imwrite.

Here's an example code that demonstrates this process:

% Example array
A = magic(5);

% Generate frames
numFrames = 10;  % Number of frames to generate
frames = cell(1, numFrames);  % Preallocate array
for i = 1:numFrames
    % Modify array to generate new frame
    % (e.g., rotate matrix or add noise)
    B = imrotate(A, i*36, 'nearest', 'crop');
    B = imnoise(B, 'gaussian', 0.1);
    frames{i} = im2uint8(mat2gray(B));  % Convert to uint8

% Save frames to animated GIF
filename = 'myanimation.gif';
for i = 1:numFrames
    % Convert frame to indexed image
    [ind, cmap] = rgb2ind(frames{i}, 256);

    % Write image to file
    if i == 1
        % Write first frame (create file)
        imwrite(ind, cmap, filename, 'gif', 'Loopcount', inf, 'DelayTime', 0.1);
        % Write subsequent frames (append to file)
        imwrite(ind, cmap, filename, 'gif', 'WriteMode', 'append', 'DelayTime', 0.1);
878 chars
30 lines

In this code, A is the example array that we want to animate. We generate numFrames frames by modifying A in some way (e.g., rotating it or adding noise). For each frame, we convert it to an indexed image (using rgb2ind) and then save it to an animated GIF file (using imwrite). The resulting file is named myanimation.gif and is saved in the current working directory. The DelayTime parameter controls the time delay between frames, while the Loopcount parameter specifies that the animation should loop indefinitely.

gistlibby LogSnag