create an array of 100 different car models and sort them by color in matlab

To create an array of 100 different car models, we can use the following code:

models = ["Toyota", "Honda", "Ford", "Nissan", "Chevrolet", "BMW", "Mercedes", "Audi", "Volkswagen", "Tesla"];

cars = [];
for i = 1:100
    car_model = models(randi([1 length(models)]));
    car = struct("model", car_model, "color", randi([1 5]));
    cars = [cars car];
276 chars
9 lines

In this code, we first define an array of possible car models, and then loop through 100 iterations to randomly assign a car model and a color (represented by a number between 1 and 5) to each element in the cars array.

To sort the cars array by color, we can use the sort function:

colors = [cars.color];
[sorted_colors, order] = sort(colors);
sorted_cars = cars(order);
89 chars
4 lines

In this code, we first extract the color values from each element in the cars array and store them in a separate array called colors. We then use the sort function to sort the colors array in ascending order, and store the sorted color values in a new array called sorted_colors. The second output of the sort function is an array of indices that tells us the order in which the elements in the original colors array were sorted. We use this array to sort the cars array in the same order as the sorted_colors array.

Now the sorted_cars array contains the same car models as the original cars array, but they are sorted by color.

gistlibby LogSnag