create a circular movement animation representing torque, from drumsticks moving in matlab

To create a circular movement animation representing torque using drumsticks in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the parameters:

    • Angle range: Determine the range of angles for the circular movement. For example, you can set the range from 0 to 2*pi to complete a full circle.
    • Torque: Specify the torque value to control the speed and force of the rotation.
    • Radius: Determine the radius of the circular path.
  2. Create a figure and axes:

    ax = gca;
    18 chars
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  3. Set the axis limits based on the radius:

    axis([-radius radius -radius radius]);
    39 chars
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  4. Set the aspect ratio to equal:

    axis equal;
    12 chars
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  5. Define the coordinates of the drumsticks:

    x = [0, 0];     % x-coordinates of drumsticks
    y = [-radius, radius];     % y-coordinates of drumsticks
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  6. Initialize the angle variable:

    angle = 0;
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  7. Start an animation loop:

    while true
        % Update the angle
        angle = angle + torque;
        % Update the x-coordinates of the drumsticks
        x(1) = radius * sin(angle);
        x(2) = -radius * sin(angle);
        % Clear the axes
        % Plot the drumsticks
        plot(ax, x, y, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);   
        % Pause for a short duration to control the animation speed
    369 chars
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  8. Run the code and observe the animation of the drumsticks moving in a circular path representing torque.

Make sure to adjust the parameters (angle range, torque, and radius) according to your specific animation requirements.

gistlibby LogSnag