symbolic animation in matlab

To create a symbolic animation in MATLAB, you can use the Symbolic Math Toolbox along with the built-in plot animations. Here's an example code snippet that animates the motion of a simple pendulum:

syms t g L theta(t)  % define symbolic variables
ode = diff(theta, t, 2) == -g/L*sin(theta);  % define pendulum ODE
cond = [theta(0) == pi/6, diff(theta)(0) == 0];  % specify initial conditions

% solve ODE symbolically and convert to function handle
thetaSol = dsolve(ode, cond);
thetaFun = matlabFunction(thetaSol);

% set up plot axis and objects
axis([-1.5*L 1.5*L -1.5*L 1.5*L]);
rod = line('XData', [0 0], 'YData', [0 0], 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
bob = line('Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'none');

% define time vector and loop over each frame
tVec = linspace(0, 10, 200);
for i = 1:length(tVec)
    thetaVal = thetaFun(tVec(i));
    xBob = L*sin(thetaVal);
    yBob = -L*cos(thetaVal);
    set(rod, 'XData', [0 xBob], 'YData', [0 yBob]);
    set(bob, 'XData', xBob, 'YData', yBob);
858 chars
24 lines

The above code defines the symbolic variables t, g, L, and theta, along with the differential equation governing the motion of a pendulum. It then solves the ODE symbolically and converts the result into a function handle. The subsequent code sets up the plot axis and objects, defines a time vector, and loops over each frame, updating the position of the pendulum by evaluating the function handle at the current time step and updating the plot accordingly.

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