To visualize the decision boundary and the conjunction of two densities in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
- Generate data points from the two densities. Let's assume you have two Gaussian distributions.
- Plot the generated data points.
- Compute the decision boundary. One way to do this is to fit a discriminative model, such as a Support Vector Machine (SVM), on the data using a classification algorithm.
- Plot the decision boundary.
- Plot the conjunction of the two densities. This can be done by calculating the joint density function using the two Gaussian distributions.
- Adjust the axis limits if needed and add plot titles.
Putting it all together:
% Generate data points from Gaussian distributions
mu1 = [0 0];
sigma1 = [1 0.5; 0.5 1];
data1 = mvnrnd(mu1, sigma1, 100);
mu2 = [2 2];
sigma2 = [1 -0.5; -0.5 1];
data2 = mvnrnd(mu2, sigma2, 100);
% Plot the data points
scatter(data1(:,1), data1(:,2), 'r', 'filled');
hold on;
scatter(data2(:,1), data2(:,2), 'b', 'filled');
legend('Class 1', 'Class 2');
xlabel('Feature 1');
ylabel('Feature 2');
% Train an SVM classifier
X = [data1; data2];
y = [ones(size(data1,1),1); -1*ones(size(data2,1),1)];
svm = fitcsvm(X, y);
% Plot the decision boundary
x1grid = linspace(min(X(:,1)), max(X(:,1)), 100);
x2grid = linspace(min(X(:,2)), max(X(:,2)), 100);
[x1, x2] = meshgrid(x1grid,x2grid);
XGrid = [x1(:),x2(:)];
[~,scores] = predict(svm,XGrid);
contour(x1, x2, reshape(scores(:,2), size(x1)), [0 0], 'k');
% Plot the conjunction of the two densities
density = mvnpdf(XGrid, mu1, sigma1) .* mvnpdf(XGrid, mu2, sigma2);
contour(x1,x2,reshape(density,size(x1)), [0.01 0.01], 'Color', 'm');
% Adjust axis limits and add titles
axis equal;
xlim([min(X(:,1)) max(X(:,1))]);
ylim([min(X(:,2)) max(X(:,2))]);
title('Decision Boundary and Conjunction of Densities');
By running this code, you will obtain a plot showing the data points, the decision boundary, and the conjunction of the two densities.
Note: Make sure you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox installed in MATLAB to use functions like mvnrnd
, mvnpdf
, and fitcsvm