nonlinear ode of a cart pole system in matlab

To solve the nonlinear ODE of a cart pole system in MATLAB, we first need to define the state variables and their derivatives. The state variables for a cart pole system are the position and velocity of the cart, and the angle and angular velocity of the pole. We can write the system of ODEs governing their dynamics using the laws of physics.

function dydt = cart_pole_ode(t, y, m, M, L, g, b, u)
% y = [x; dx; theta; dtheta]
% m = mass of the pole
% M = mass of the cart
% L = length of the pole
% g = gravitational acceleration
% b = friction coefficient
% u = control input (force)

x = y(1); dx = y(2); theta = y(3); dtheta = y(4);

s = sin(theta); c = cos(theta);
D = m*L*L*(M+m*(1-c^2)); % denominator for the ODEs

dxdt = dx;
dtheta_dt = dtheta;

dx_dt_dt = (1/D)*(-m^2*L^2*g*c*s + m*L^2*(m*L*dtheta^2*s-c*dx*dtheta) ...
              - m*L*c*b*dx + m*L*u);

dtheta_dt_dt = (1/D)*((M+m)*m*g*L*s - m*L*c*(m*L*dtheta^2*s - c*dx*dtheta) ...
              + m*L*c*b*dtheta - m*L*c*u);

dydt = [dx; dx_dt_dt; dtheta; dtheta_dt_dt];            
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This is a function that takes in the time, state vector, system parameters (masses, lengths, coefficients), and a control input, and outputs the derivative of the state vector at that time. We can then use this function in the ode45 solver to obtain the time evolution of the system.

We can call the function by defining the system parameters and initial conditions, and then running the solver.

% System parameters
m = 0.1;    % mass of the pole
M = 1;      % mass of the cart
L = 0.5;    % length of the pole
g = 9.81;   % gravitational acceleration
b = 0.1;    % friction coefficient

% Initial conditions
x0 = 0;       % initial position of the cart
dx0 = 0;      % initial velocity of the cart
theta0 = pi;  % initial angle of the pole
dtheta0 = 0;  % initial angular velocity of the pole

y0 = [x0; dx0; theta0; dtheta0];

% Control input
u = 0;   % no control input

% Solve the ODEs
[t, y] = ode45(@(t,y) cart_pole_ode(t,y,m,M,L,g,b,u), [0 10], y0);
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This will give us the time evolution of the system over 10 seconds. We can then plot the results to see the behavior of the cart pole system.

% Plot results
x = y(:,1); theta = y(:,3);

plot(t, x);
xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Position (m)');

plot(t, theta);
xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Angle (rad)');
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This will give us two plots showing the position and angle of the cart pole system over time. We can see that the system is unstable and the pole falls over unless we apply a control input to balance it.

gistlibby LogSnag