how to use inputparser in matlab

The InputParser class in MATLAB allows you to validate and parse input arguments of a function. The following is an example of how to use it.

Suppose you have a MATLAB function myFunction with two required input arguments (arg1 and arg2) and a number of optional input arguments (varargin). You can use inputParser to validate and parse the input arguments as follows:

function output = myFunction(arg1, arg2, varargin)

% create an instance of the inputParser class
p = inputParser;

% define the required input arguments
addRequired(p, 'arg1');
addRequired(p, 'arg2');

% define the optional input arguments and their default values
addParameter(p, 'param1', defaultValue1);
addParameter(p, 'param2', defaultValue2);

% parse the input arguments
parse(p, arg1, arg2, varargin{:});

% get the values of the input arguments
arg1 = p.Results.arg1;
arg2 = p.Results.arg2;
param1 = p.Results.param1;
param2 = p.Results.param2;

% the remaining code of your function
598 chars
25 lines

In this example, the inputParser instance p is used to define the input arguments of the function. The addRequired method is used to specify the required input arguments, and the addParameter method is used to specify the optional input arguments and their default values. The parse method is then used to parse the input arguments, and the Results property of the inputParser instance p is used to get the values of the input arguments.

You should replace defaultValue1 and defaultValue2 with the desired default values for your optional input arguments.

It is important to note that you should use varargin{:} to pass the optional input arguments to the parse method. The {:} syntax allows you to unpack the cell array varargin into a comma-separated list of inputs.

For more information on how to use the inputParser class in MATLAB, you can refer to the MATLAB documentation.

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