code of trainnetwork in matlab

trainnetwork is a function in MATLAB's Neural Network Toolbox that trains a feedforward neural network using backpropagation. Here is a basic code example that uses trainnetwork:

% Load input data and target output data
load mydata.mat

% Set up network architecture
hiddenLayerSize = 10;
net = feedforwardnet(hiddenLayerSize);

% Train the network
net = train(net, X, Y);

% Test the network
Ynew = net(X);
229 chars
13 lines

In this code, mydata.mat contains two variables: X (an N-by-P matrix of input data) and Y (an N-by-Q matrix of target output data). hiddenLayerSize is the number of neurons in the hidden layer of the network. The function feedforwardnet creates a feedforward network with one hidden layer, which is then trained using trainnetwork. Finally, we use the trained neural network to predict new output data Ynew given the input data X.

Note that you may need to modify this code to suit your specific needs, such as changing the number of hidden neurons or adjusting the training settings. The MATLAB documentation for trainnetwork provides additional examples and information on how to use this function.

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