calcule the first 2 interations of x and y using newton metod considering the equations: x^2+y^2=4 and y =e^x-2 in matlab in matlab

In MATLAB, you can use the Newton's method to solve a system of equations numerically. Here's how you can calculate the first two iterations of x and y using Newton's method for the given equations:

% Define the equations
syms x y
eq1 = x^2 + y^2 - 4;
eq2 = y - exp(x) + 2;

% Initialize the initial guess
x0 = 1; % Initial guess for x
y0 = 1; % Initial guess for y

% Set the maximum number of iterations and tolerance
maxIterations = 2;
tolerance = 1e-6;

% Perform Newton's method iterations
for iteration = 1:maxIterations
    % Evaluate the equations and their Jacobian matrix at the current point
    f = [subs(eq1, [x, y], [x0, y0]);
         subs(eq2, [x, y], [x0, y0])];
    J = jacobian(f, [x, y]);

    % Solve the linear system J*delta = -f to get the correction
    delta = linsolve(double(J), -double(f));

    % Update the current point
    x0 = x0 + delta(1);
    y0 = y0 + delta(2);

    % Check the convergence criterion
    if norm(delta) < tolerance

% Display the results
xSol = x0
ySol = y0
851 chars
38 lines

This code defines the equations using symbolic variables 'x' and 'y'. Then, it initializes the initial guess for 'x' and 'y'. The code performs Newton's method iterations until the convergence criterion is met. Finally, it displays the number of iterations and the calculated values of 'x' and 'y'.

Note that this code assumes you have the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB for symbolic computations.

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