simulated annealing code minimize fitness function with 9 input variables in matlab

To implement the simulated annealing algorithm to minimize a fitness function with 9 input variables in MATLAB, follow these steps:

  1. Define your fitness function: This is the function you want to minimize. Let's say it takes a vector of length 9 as input and returns a scalar value indicating the fitness.

    function fitness = myFitnessFunction(x)
        % Calculate the fitness based on your problem's logic
        % Return the fitness value as a scalar
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  2. Define the initial solution: Generate a random initial solution for the optimization problem. This should be a vector of length 9.

    initialSolution = rand(1, 9);
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  3. Set the parameters for the simulated annealing algorithm: You need to specify parameters like initial temperature, cooling schedule, and number of iterations.

    initialTemperature = 100;   % Initial temperature
    coolingRate = 0.95;         % Cooling rate
    numberOfIterations = 1000;  % Number of iterations
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  4. Implement the simulated annealing algorithm: Write a loop that performs the iterations of the algorithm.

    currentSolution = initialSolution;
    currentFitness = myFitnessFunction(currentSolution);
    bestSolution = currentSolution;
    bestFitness = currentFitness;
    temperature = initialTemperature;
    for i = 1:numberOfIterations
        % Generate a new candidate solution by making a small change to the current solution
        newSolution = currentSolution + randn(1, 9);
        % Calculate the fitness of the candidate solution
        newFitness = myFitnessFunction(newSolution);
        % Decide whether to accept the candidate solution or not
        if newFitness < currentFitness || exp((currentFitness - newFitness) / temperature) > rand()
            currentSolution = newSolution;
            currentFitness = newFitness;
        % Update the best solution if necessary
        if newFitness < bestFitness
            bestSolution = newSolution;
            bestFitness = newFitness;
        % Update the temperature
        temperature = temperature * coolingRate;
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  5. Access the best solution: After the algorithm finishes, the bestSolution variable will contain the optimal solution found.

    disp('Best solution:');
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That's it! You have implemented the simulated annealing algorithm to minimize a fitness function with 9 input variables in MATLAB.

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