how to write simulated annealing code to minimize the fitness function with 9 variables input in matlab

To write simulated annealing code to minimize a fitness function with 9 variables input in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define your fitness function:

    • Start by defining the fitness function you want to minimize. Let's call it fitness_fn for simplicity.
  2. Set initial parameters and variables:

    • Define the initial temperature (T0), which determines the initial exploration range.
    • Define the cooling rate (alpha), which controls how quickly the algorithm explores less optimal solutions over time.
    • Set the number of iterations (num_iter), which determines how long the algorithm will run.
    • Create an initial solution by randomly generating values for your 9 variables.
  3. Implement the simulated annealing algorithm:

    • Initialize the current solution (current) with the initial solution.
    • Iterate through a predefined number of iterations (num_iter):
      • Generate a neighboring solution (neighbor) by perturbing the current solution.
      • Calculate the fitness values of the current and neighboring solutions using fitness_fn.
      • Calculate the energy difference (delta_E) between the current and neighboring solutions.
      • Accept the neighboring solution as the new current solution if:
        • delta_E is negative (i.e., the neighboring solution has a lower fitness).
        • delta_E is positive, but with a certain probability determined by the current temperature (T).
      • Update the current solution if a new solution was accepted.
      • Reduce the temperature using the cooling rate (alpha).
  4. Return the optimized solution:

    • After the iterations are completed, return the final optimized solution.

Here's an example implementation in MATLAB:

% Step 1: Define your fitness function
function fitness = fitness_fn(solution)
    % Compute fitness based on your specific problem
    % ...

% Step 2: Set initial parameters and variables
T0 = 100;             % Initial temperature
alpha = 0.95;         % Cooling rate
num_iter = 1000;      % Number of iterations

% Generate an initial solution
initial_solution = rand(1, 9);    % Randomly generate initial values for 9 variables

% Step 3: Implement the simulated annealing algorithm
current = initial_solution;
T = T0;
for iter = 1:num_iter
    % Generate neighboring solution
    neighbor = perturb_solution(current);    % Implement perturbation method according to your problem

    % Compute fitness values
    fitness_current = fitness_fn(current);
    fitness_neighbor = fitness_fn(neighbor);

    % Calculate energy difference
    delta_E = fitness_current - fitness_neighbor;

    % Accept or reject the neighbor solution
    if delta_E < 0 || rand() < exp(-delta_E / T)
        current = neighbor;

    % Cool down the temperature
    T = alpha * T;

% Step 4: Return the optimized solution
optimized_solution = current;
disp(optimized_solution);    % Display the final optimized solution
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Note: You will need to replace fitness_fn with the actual fitness function for your problem and perturb_solution with a function that generates a neighboring solution based on your problem's constraints.

Make sure to customize the fitness function, perturbation method, and cooling rate as per your specific problem requirements.

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