To write a simulated annealing code and a genetic algorithm code in MATLAB for optimizing a function with nine variables, you can follow these steps:
Simulated Annealing:
- Define the objective function that you want to optimize.
- Initialize the parameters such as initial solution, temperature, cooling rate, and stopping criterion.
- Start with an initial solution.
- Loop until the stopping criterion is met:
- Generate a new solution by applying a perturbation to the current solution.
- Check if the new solution is better or worse than the current solution based on the objective function.
- If the new solution is better, accept it as the new current solution.
- If the new solution is worse, calculate the acceptance probability based on the temperature and accept it probabilistically.
- Reduce the temperature using the cooling rate.
- Return the best solution found.
Here is a sample code for the simulated annealing:
Genetic Algorithm:
- Define the objective function that you want to optimize.
- Initialize the parameters such as population size, number of generations, crossover rate, mutation rate, and selection method.
- Generate an initial population of solutions.
- Loop for the specified number of generations:
- Evaluate the objective value for each individual in the population.
- Select individuals for reproduction based on their fitness.
- Apply crossover and mutation operators to create new offspring.
- Replace the worst individuals in the population with the new offspring.
- Return the best solution found.
Here is a sample code for the genetic algorithm:
You can compare the performance of simulated annealing and genetic algorithm based on factors like convergence speed, final objective value obtained, and robustness to different initial conditions.