Here's an implementation of the implicit Euler method with central difference in space to solve a 2D heat equation. The Jacobi method is used to solve the system of linear algebraic equations at each time step. The temperature on a plate is plotted at different times ranging from 0 to 100 seconds.
% Plate size
Lx = 1;
Ly = 1;
% Number of spatial grid points
nx = 51; % include boundary points
ny = 51;
dx = Lx/(nx-1);
dy = Ly/(ny-1);
% Spatial grid
x = linspace(0, Lx, nx);
y = linspace(0, Ly, ny);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
% Thermal diffusivity
alpha = 0.01;
% Time variables
t0 = 0;
tend = 100;
nt = 10001; % Number of time steps
dt = (tend - t0)/(nt-1);
% Initial conditions
T0 = 100 * sin(pi*X) .* sin(pi*Y);
% Boundary conditions
Tleft = 0;
Tright = 0;
Ttop = 0;
Tbottom = 0;
% Construct matrices for the implicit scheme
ex = ones(nx, 1);
ey = ones(ny, 1);
Ax = spdiags([ex, -2*ex, ex], [-1, 0, 1], nx, nx)/(dx^2);
Ay = spdiags([ey, -2*ey, ey], [-1, 0, 1], ny, ny)/(dy^2);
A = kron(Ay, speye(nx)) + kron(speye(ny), Ax);
B = speye(nx*ny) + alpha*dt*A;
% Time loop
T = T0(:); % Initial temperature flattened to a column vector
for n = 1:nt
% Solve the system of linear equations using Jacobi iteration
for k = 1:20
T = T + dt*alpha*A*T;
T = jacobi(A, T, Tleft, Tright, Ttop, Tbottom, nx, ny); % Jacobi iteration
% Plot temperature at specified times
if any(n*dt == [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100])
Tn = reshape(T, ny, nx);
surf(X, Y, Tn)
title(sprintf('Temperature at t = %.2f', n*dt))
function T = jacobi(A, T, Tleft, Tright, Ttop, Tbottom, nx, ny)
% Jacobi solver for Dirichlet boundary conditions
T = reshape(T, ny, nx); % Reshape T to 2D grid
Told = T;
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
T(i, j) = (Told(i-1, j) + Told(i+1, j) + Told(i, j-1) + Told(i, j+1))/4;
% Boundary conditions
T(1, :) = Ttop;
T(nx, :) = Tbottom;
T(:, 1) = Tleft;
T(:, ny) = Tright;
T = T(:); % Flatten T to a column vector
Note: This code uses a Jacobi solver only to illustrate the implicit method. In practice, a matrix solver such as the backslash operator in MATLAB should be used instead, as it is more efficient.