simulate an object thrown in 3d with drag force using ode45 in matlab

To simulate an object thrown in 3D with drag force using ode45 in Matlab, you will need to write the governing equations of motion and use ode45 to integrate them numerically.

The equations of motion for an object with drag force in 3D can be written as:

dx/dt = vx
dy/dt = vy
dz/dt = vz
dvx/dt = -(F_d / m) * vx
dvy/dt = -g - (F_d / m) * vy
dvz/dt = -(F_d / m) * vz

F_d = 0.5 * rho * v^2 * C_d * A
rho = air density
v = velocity
C_d = drag coefficient
A = cross-sectional area
m = object mass
g = acceleration due to gravity
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To solve these equations using ode45, you will need to define them as a function:

function dYdt = obj_motion(t, Y, rho, C_d, A, m)
    % unpack Y
    x = Y(1);
    y = Y(2);
    z = Y(3);
    vx = Y(4);
    vy = Y(5);
    vz = Y(6);
    % constants
    g = 9.81; % m/s^2
    % calculate drag force
    v = sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2);
    F_d = 0.5 * rho * v^2 * C_d * A;
    % equations of motion
    dxdt = vx;
    dydt = vy;
    dzdt = vz;
    dvxdt = -(F_d / m) * vx;
    dvydt = -g - (F_d / m) * vy;
    dvzdt = -(F_d / m) * vz;
    % pack up output
    dYdt = [dxdt; dydt; dzdt; dvxdt; dvydt; dvzdt];
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Then, you can call ode45 to integrate the equations:

% initial conditions
Y0 = [0; 0; 0; v0*sin(theta)*cos(phi); v0*sin(theta)*sin(phi); v0*cos(theta)];

% constants
rho = 1.225; % kg/m^3
C_d = 0.47;
A = 0.01; % m^2
m = 0.1; % kg

% time span
tspan = [0 10];

% call ode45 to solve the equations
[t, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) obj_motion(t, Y, rho, C_d, A, m), tspan, Y0);
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This will give you the position (x,y,z) and velocity (vx,vy,vz) vectors of the object at each time step. You can then plot these to visualize the trajectory of the object.

gistlibby LogSnag