elastic collisions of two disks and the surrounding walls in matlab

To simulate the elastic collisions between two disks and the surrounding walls in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the parameters of the system:

    • Masses of the disks (m1, m2)
    • Initial velocities of the disks (v1_initial, v2_initial)
    • Radii of the disks (r1, r2)
    • Coefficients of restitution of the disks (e1, e2)
    • Dimensions of the walls (width, height)
  2. Set the initial positions of the disks and the walls.

  3. Use a loop to perform the collision simulation for a desired duration or until a specific condition is met.

    3.1. Calculate the new velocities of the disks after the collision using the equations of elastic collision:

    v1_final = ((m1 - m2) * v1_initial + 2 * m2 * v2_initial) / (m1 + m2)
    v2_final = ((m2 - m1) * v2_initial + 2 * m1 * v1_initial) / (m1 + m2)
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    3.2. Update the positions of the disks using their velocities and the timestep of the simulation.

    3.3. Check for collisions with the walls and update the velocities and positions accordingly. For each disk, check if its position is beyond the boundaries of the walls and reverse the corresponding velocity component if a collision occurs.

  4. Visualize the simulation using MATLAB's plotting capabilities or any other visualization library.

Here's an example of how the code for this simulation might look like:

% Parameters
m1 = 1; % mass of disk 1
m2 = 1; % mass of disk 2
v1_initial = [1, 0]; % initial velocity of disk 1 [vx, vy]
v2_initial = [-1, 0]; % initial velocity of disk 2 [vx, vy]
r1 = 0.5; % radius of disk 1
r2 = 0.5; % radius of disk 2
e1 = 1; % coefficient of restitution for disk 1 (perfectly elastic)
e2 = 1; % coefficient of restitution for disk 2 (perfectly elastic)
width = 10; % width of the walls
height = 10; % height of the walls
timestep = 0.01; % timestep for the simulation
simulation_duration = 10; % duration of the simulation

% Initial positions
p1 = [0, 0]; % position of disk 1 [x, y]
p2 = [5, 0]; % position of disk 2 [x, y]

% Simulation loop
t = 0; % current time
while t < simulation_duration
    % Calculate new velocities after collision
    v1_initial_x = v1_initial(1);
    v1_initial_y = v1_initial(2);
    v2_initial_x = v2_initial(1);
    v2_initial_y = v2_initial(2);
    v1_final_x = ((m1 - m2) * v1_initial_x + 2 * m2 * v2_initial_x) / (m1 + m2);
    v1_final_y = ((m1 - m2) * v1_initial_y + 2 * m2 * v2_initial_y) / (m1 + m2);
    v2_final_x = ((m2 - m1) * v2_initial_x + 2 * m1 * v1_initial_x) / (m1 + m2);
    v2_final_y = ((m2 - m1) * v2_initial_y + 2 * m1 * v1_initial_y) / (m1 + m2);
    % Update positions of the disks
    p1 = p1 + v1_initial * timestep;
    p2 = p2 + v2_initial * timestep;
    % Check for collision with walls
    if p1(1) < -width/2 + r1 || p1(1) > width/2 - r1
        v1_final_x = -e1 * v1_final_x;
    if p1(2) < -height/2 + r1 || p1(2) > height/2 - r1
        v1_final_y = -e1 * v1_final_y;
    if p2(1) < -width/2 + r2 || p2(1) > width/2 - r2
        v2_final_x = -e2 * v2_final_x;
    if p2(2) < -height/2 + r2 || p2(2) > height/2 - r2
        v2_final_y = -e2 * v2_final_y;

    % Update velocities for next iteration
    v1_initial = [v1_final_x, v1_final_y];
    v2_initial = [v2_final_x, v2_final_y];
    % Increment time
    t = t + timestep;

    % Plot current position of the disks
    hold off;
    plot(p1(1), p1(2), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', r1*100);
    hold on;
    plot(p2(1), p2(2), 'bo', 'MarkerSize', r2*100);
    rectangle('Position', [-width/2, -height/2, width, height]);
    axis([-width/2, width/2, -height/2, height]);
    axis equal;

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Make sure to adjust the parameters according to your specific requirements.

gistlibby LogSnag