change bin size on a histogram in matlab

To change bin size on a histogram in MATLAB, you can use the histogram function and specify the bin edges.

Here's an example code snippet that creates a histogram and sets the bin size to 0.5:

data = randn(1000,1);
binSize = 0.5;
edges = min(data):binSize:max(data);
histogram(data, edges);
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5 lines

In this code, randn(1000,1) creates a random data with 1000 elements. min(data) and max(data) determine the minimum and maximum values of the data. Finally, we specify the bin size as binSize = 0.5 and compute the edges using min(data):binSize:max(data). Then, we create a histogram using these edges in the histogram function.

You can adjust the bin size by changing the binSize variable to your desired value.

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