simulated annealing like genetic algorithm code in matlab

Here is an example code in MATLAB that demonstrates how to implement simulated annealing similar to the genetic algorithm:

% Define the objective function to be optimized
objectiveFunction = @(x) x^2;  % Replace with your objective function

% Define the search space and bounds
lowerBound = -10;  % Lower bound of the search space
upperBound = 10;   % Upper bound of the search space

% Simulated Annealing parameters
initialTemperature = 100;   % Initial temperature
coolingRate = 0.95;         % Cooling rate
iterationsPerTemperature = 100;   % Iterations per temperature

% Initialize the current solution
currentSolution = (upperBound - lowerBound) * rand() + lowerBound;

% Initialize the current and best objective function values
currentObjValue = objectiveFunction(currentSolution);
bestObjValue = currentObjValue;

% Simulated Annealing
currentTemperature = initialTemperature;

while currentTemperature > 1e-6  % Stopping criterion
    for i = 1:iterationsPerTemperature
        % Generate a random candidate solution
        candidateSolution = (upperBound - lowerBound) * rand() + lowerBound;
        % Calculate the objective function value for the candidate solution
        candidateObjValue = objectiveFunction(candidateSolution);
        % Calculate the acceptance probability
        acceptanceProbability = exp((currentObjValue - candidateObjValue) / currentTemperature);
        % Accept or reject the candidate solution
        if rand() < acceptanceProbability
            currentSolution = candidateSolution;
            currentObjValue = candidateObjValue;
        % Update the best solution if necessary
        if currentObjValue < bestObjValue
            bestSolution = currentSolution;
            bestObjValue = currentObjValue;
    % Cool down the temperature
    currentTemperature = currentTemperature * coolingRate;

% Display the best solution and its objective function value
disp('Best Solution:');
disp('Objective Function Value:');
1966 chars
56 lines

In this code, you need to replace the objectiveFunction with your own objective function to be optimized. The search space is defined by the lowerBound and upperBound variables. The simulated annealing parameters such as initial temperature, cooling rate, and iterations per temperature are adjustable based on your problem.

Note that this code is just a basic implementation of simulated annealing and may need to be adapted to your specific problem and requirements.

gistlibby LogSnag