how to write genetic algorithm code with 9 variables and optimization plot in matlab

To write a genetic algorithm code with 9 variables in MATLAB and plot the optimization results, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Define the Objective Function:

    • Start by defining your objective function that you want to optimize. This function takes the 9 variables as input and returns a scalar value that represents the fitness or quality of the solution.
  2. Set up the Genetic Algorithm:

    • Define the parameters for your genetic algorithm, such as population size, crossover and mutation rates, and termination conditions.
  3. Create the Initial Population:

    • Generate an initial population of individuals, where each individual represents a set of values for the 9 variables.
  4. Evaluate Fitness:

    • Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population using the objective function defined in step 1.
  5. Perform Selection:

    • Select the individuals with higher fitness to create the next generation.
  6. Perform Crossover and Mutation:

    • Apply crossover and mutation operations to the selected individuals to create offspring for the next generation.
  7. Evaluate Fitness again:

    • Evaluate the fitness of the offspring population.
  8. Repeat Steps 5 to 7:

    • Repeat the selection, crossover, and mutation steps for a certain number of generations or until a termination condition is met.
  9. Plot the Optimization Results:

    • After the termination condition is met, plot the optimization results such as the best fitness value or the fitness values over generations.

Here is an example MATLAB code that demonstrates the steps outlined above:

% Step 1: Define Objective Function
fun = @(x) myObjective(x);

% Step 2: Set up Genetic Algorithm
gaOptions = gaoptimset('PopulationSize', 50, 'CrossoverFraction', 0.8, 'MutationFcn', {@mutationadaptfeasible, 0.02});
gaOptions.Display = 'iter'; % Display the progress during optimization
gaOptions.MaxGenerations = 100; % Number of generations to run the genetic algorithm

% Step 3: Create Initial Population
nVariables = 9; % Number of variables
initialPopulation = rand(50, nVariables); % Random assignment of values between 0 and 1

% Step 4: Evaluate Fitness
initialFitness = zeros(size(initialPopulation, 1), 1);
for i = 1:size(initialPopulation, 1)
    initialFitness(i) = fun(initialPopulation(i, :));

% Step 5 to 8: Perform Selection, Crossover, Mutation, Evaluate Fitness
[x, fval, exitflag, output] = ga(fun, nVariables, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], gaOptions);

% Step 9: Plot the Optimization Results
plot(output.bestfvals, 'LineWidth', 2);
ylabel('Best Fitness');
title('Genetic Algorithm Optimization');
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28 lines

This code initializes the genetic algorithm with a population size of 50, crossover fraction of 0.8, and mutation rate of 0.02. The optimization runs for a maximum of 100 generations, and the best fitness values over the generations are plotted in a figure.

Replace myObjective in the code with your own objective function that takes the vector of 9 variables as input and returns a scalar fitness value.

Note that this is a basic example, and you may need to modify and fine-tune the code to suit your specific problem and requirements.

Remember to save the objective function, genetic algorithm code, and any additional files in the same directory before running the code.

gistlibby LogSnag