write a script to solve laplace equation on a rectangular domain using finite element method in matlab

To solve Laplace equation using finite element method in MATLAB, one could use the following steps:

  1. Define the rectangular domain and the mesh using rectangle and generateMesh functions respectively.
  2. Define boundary conditions and coefficients for the equation.
  3. Assemble the stiffness matrix and load vector using Galerkin weak form.
  4. Apply the boundary conditions to the stiffness matrix and load vector.
  5. Solve the system of linear equations to obtain the solution.

Here's an example code to solve Laplace equation on a rectangular domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions:

% Define rectangular domain
xMin = 0;
xMax = 1;
yMin = 0;
yMax = 1;
g = [xMin xMax xMax xMin;
     yMin yMin yMax yMax];
% Generate mesh
numElements = 4;
model = createpde();
geometryFromEdges(model, g);
generateMesh(model, 'Hmax', 0.2);
% Define coefficient function
c = 1;
a = @(region, ~) c*ones(1, numel(region.x));
f = @(region, ~) zeros(1, numel(region.x));
specifyCoefficients(model, 'm', 0, 'd', 0, 'c', a, 'a', 0, 'f', f);
% Define boundary conditions
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'Edge', 1, 'u', 0);
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'Edge', 2, 'u', 1);
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'Edge', 3, 'u', 0);
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'Edge', 4, 'u', 0);
% Assemble stiffness matrix and load vector
S = assembleStiffnessMatrix(model);
F = assembleLoadVector(model);
% Apply boundary conditions to the system of equations
[B, b] = applyBoundaryConditionToMatrices(S, F, model);
% Solve the system of linear equations
u = B\b;
% Plot solution
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In this example, c is the coefficient in the Laplace equation, f is the source term (which is zero), and boundary conditions are set at the four edges of the rectangular domain using applyBoundaryCondition function. The solution is then obtained by solving the system of linear equations B u = b, where B and b are the matrices obtained by applying boundary conditions to the stiffness matrix S and load vector F. Finally, the solution is plotted using pdeplot function.

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