rotate the color image clockwise by 90◦ using the permute and fliplr functions. do not use the imrotate function! in matlab

To rotate an image clockwise by 90 degrees using permute and fliplr, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Load the color image using imread function.
  2. Transpose the image using permute function to swap the rows and columns.
  3. Use fliplr function to flip the transposed image from left to right.
  4. Display the rotated image using imshow function.

Here's the code implementing the above steps:

% Load the color image
img = imread('color_img.jpg');

% Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees
rotated_img = fliplr(permute(img, [2 1 3]));

% Display the rotated image
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Note that we permute the dimensions of the image using [2 1 3] so that the columns become rows and rows become columns, and the third dimension (RGB) remains unchanged. Finally, we flip the result along the horizontal axis (left to right) with fliplr to get the desired clockwise rotation.

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