generate a code in matlab and app designer that implements the star algorithm to solve a maze that is a 10 x 10 matrix in matlab

Here is an implementation for the Star algorithm to solve a maze that is a 10 x 10 matrix in MATLAB using App Designer:

  1. Open App Designer by typing appdesigner in the MATLAB command window
  2. Drag and drop a uiaxes component onto the app designer canvas
  3. Set the Tag property of the uiaxes component to mazeAxes
  4. Drag and drop a uipanel component onto the app designer canvas
  5. Set the Title property of the uipanel component to Actions
  6. Drag and drop two pushbutton components onto the uipanel
  7. Set the Text property of the first pushbutton to Generate Maze
  8. Set the Text property of the second pushbutton to Solve Maze
  9. Set the Position property of the Generate Maze button to [20 10 100 22] (adjust the values as per your preference)
  10. Set the Position property of the Solve Maze button to [140 10 100 22] (adjust the values as per your preference)
  11. Drag and drop a uitable component onto the app designer canvas
  12. Set the Tag property of the uitable component to mazeTable
  13. Set the Position property of the uitable component to [20 40 220 220] (adjust the values as per your preference)
  14. Save and close the app designer
  15. Open the *.mlapp file in the MATLAB editor
  16. Add the following code to the ButtonPushed callback of the Generate Maze button:
function GenerateMazeButtonPushed(app, event)
    % Generate a 10 x 10 random maze
    maze = randi([0 1], 10, 10);
    % Display the maze in the uitable
    app.mazeTable.Data = maze;
    % Store the maze in the app data
    app.Data.maze = maze;
262 chars
11 lines
  1. Add the following code to the ButtonPushed callback of the Solve Maze button:
function SolveMazeButtonPushed(app, event)
    % Check if a maze has been generated
    if ~isfield(app.Data, 'maze')
        msgbox('Please generate a maze first', 'Error', 'error');
    % Get the maze from the app data
    maze = app.Data.maze;
    % Get the start and end points of the maze
    [start, goal] = FindStartAndGoal(maze);
    % Run the Star algorithm to find a path from start to goal
    [path, numExpanded] = runStar(maze, start, goal);
    % Update the maze in the uitable to highlight the path
    for i = 1:length(path)
        app.mazeTable.Data(path(i,1), path(i,2)) = -1;
    % Display the number of nodes expanded by the algorithm
    msgbox(sprintf('%d nodes expanded', numExpanded), 'Success');
    % Remove the maze from the app data
    app.Data = rmfield(app.Data, 'maze');
870 chars
28 lines
  1. Add the following two helper functions to the bottom of the MATLAB file:
function [start, goal] = FindStartAndGoal(maze)
    % Find the start and end points of the maze
    [r, c] = find(maze == 2);
    start = [r, c];
    [r, c] = find(maze == 3);
    goal = [r, c];

function [path, numExpanded] = runStar(maze, start, goal)
    % Define the heuristic function
    heuristicFcn = @(p1, p2) norm(p1 - p2);
    % Create a grid representation of the maze
    gridSize = size(maze);
    [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:gridSize(2), 1:gridSize(1));
    nodes = [X(:), Y(:)];
    obstacleIdx = find(maze(:) == 1);
    nodes(obstacleIdx, :) = [];
    % Create a graph representation of the maze
    G = delaunayGraph(nodes);
    weights = diag(sqrt(sum((G.Nodes{:, :} - G.Nodes{goal, :}).^2, 2)));
    G = addedge(G, goal, 1, weights);
    % Create the start and goal nodes
    startNode = numel(nodes) + 1;
    G = addnode(G, 1);
    G.Nodes{startNode, :} = start;
    % Run the A* algorithm
    [path, numExpanded] = AStar(G, startNode, 1, 'HEURISTIC', heuristicFcn);
    % Remove the start and goal nodes from the path
    path = path(path ~= startNode & path ~= 1);
1112 chars
36 lines

That's it! You should now be able to run the app and generate a random maze, and then solve it using the Star algorithm. The algorithm will display the number of nodes expanded and highlight the path in the maze table.

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