implement dijkstra's algorithm in matlab

To implement Dijkstra's algorithm in MATLAB, you can follow the steps given below:

  1. Create a graph: First, create a graph using the "graph" function in MATLAB. The graph should have nodes and edges with weights.
% Example: Creating a graph with 4 nodes and 5 edges
G = graph([1 1 2 2 3],[2 3 3 4 4],[4 2 5 6 1]);
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  1. Specify the source node: Specify the source node from which the shortest path will be calculated.
% Example: Setting the source node as node 1
sourceNode = 1;
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  1. Initialize the distance and visited arrays: Initialize two arrays, one for storing the distances from source node to all other nodes and another for keeping track of visited nodes.
% Example: Initializing the distance and visited arrays
numNodes = numnodes(G);
distance = Inf(1,numNodes);
visited = false(1,numNodes);
distance(sourceNode) = 0;
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  1. Traverse through the graph: Use a loop to traverse through the graph, selecting the node with the smallest distance from the source node at each iteration.
% Example: Traverse through the graph
for i = 1:numNodes
   % Find the node with smallest distance from source node
   [minDist, currNode] = min(distance(~visited));
   if isempty(currNode)
   % Update visited array
   visited(currNode) = true;
   % Check each adjacent node for shortest path update
   adjNodes = neighbors(G,currNode);
   for j = 1:length(adjNodes)
      if ~visited(adjNodes(j))
          edgeWeight = G.Edges.Weight(findedge(G,currNode,adjNodes(j)));
          newDist = minDist + edgeWeight;
          if newDist < distance(adjNodes(j))
              distance(adjNodes(j)) = newDist;
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  1. Output the result: The final output of the algorithm should be the distances from the source node to all other nodes in the graph.
% Example: Output the distance array
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This should give you the shortest distances from the source node to all other nodes in the graph.

gistlibby LogSnag