) implement the multidimensional newton method for computing f(x) = 0 (with x, 0 r n ) in a matlab function mynewton with the jacobian matrix in matlab

function [x, conv] = mynewton(f,J,x0,tol,maxIt)
%MYNEWTON Multidimensional Newton's method
%   [X, CONV] = MYNEWTON(F, J, X0, TOL, MAXIT) finds a zero of function
%   'f' near initial guess 'x0' using Newton's method with the Jacobian
%   matrix 'J'. It returns the zero found in 'x' and a flag 'conv'
%   indicating convergence (1) or divergence (0).
%   Inputs:
%   f:   handle to multidimensional function f(x)
%   J:   handle to Jacobian matrix J(x)
%   x0:  initial guess for the root of f(x)=0
%   tol: tolerance for convergence
%   maxIt: maximum number of iterations to be executed
%   Outputs:
%   x: n-dimensional vector representing the root of f(x)=0
%   conv: convergence flag (1=converged, 0=diverged)
%   Example usage:
%   f = @(x) [x(1)^2+x(2)^2-1; x(1)+x(2)-0.4];
%   J = @(x) [2*x(1), 2*x(2); 1, 1];
%   x0 = [0;0];
%   tol = 1e-6;
%   maxIt = 50;
%   [x, conv] = mynewton(f, J, x0, tol, maxIt);

conv = 0; % assuming divergence
for i=1:maxIt
    fx = f(x0);
    if norm(fx) < tol
        conv = 1; % converged
    Jx = J(x0);
    s = -Jx\fx; % solve using the backslash operator
    x0 = x0 + s;
x = x0;

1167 chars
41 lines

This code defines a function mynewton which takes as input a function handle f, a Jacobian matrix function handle J, an initial guess x0, a tolerance tol, and a maximum number of iterations maxIt. The function returns the zero found in x and a convergence flag conv indicating whether the method converged or not.

Inside the function, the multidimensional Newton's method is implemented using a loop that computes the function value fx and the Jacobian matrix Jx at the current point x0, solves the linear system Jx s = -fx for the search direction s, and updates the current point as x0 = x0 + s. The loop continues until either the norm of the function value is smaller than the tolerance tol or the maximum number of iterations maxIt is reached.

Note that the backslash operator \ is used to solve the linear system in a computationally efficient manner. The function also assumes that the method will diverge if the maximum number of iterations is reached without convergence.

gistlibby LogSnag