how to pull time column data from excel into matlab in matlab

To pull the time column data from an Excel file into Matlab, you can use the "importdata" function.

  1. Save the Excel file as a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

  2. Open Matlab and use the "importdata" function to load the CSV file. Make sure to specify the delimiter as a comma.

data = importdata('filename.csv',',');
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  1. Access the time column data using the appropriate column index. Depending on the format of the time data in the Excel file, the data may need to be converted to a Matlab datetime or datenum object.
time_data = data(:,1); % access first column of data (assumed to be time column)
time_data = datetime(time_data,'InputFormat','MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); % convert to datetime object
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Alternatively, if the time data is stored in a formatted date-time string in Excel (e.g. "2022-01-01 12:00:00"), you can use the readtable function to load the data as a table and then access the time column using the table variable name.

data = readtable('filename.xlsx');
time_data_str = data.TimeColumn; % access time column by variable name
time_data = datetime(time_data_str,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); % convert to datetime object
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