display a numerical value in a statement in matlab

You can use string formatting to display a numerical value in a statement in MATLAB using the following syntax:

num = 3.14159;
disp(sprintf('The value of pi is approximately %.2f.', num));
77 chars
3 lines


The value of pi is approximately 3.14.
39 chars
2 lines

Here, the % character is used as a placeholder for the numerical value, followed by a .2f specifier to indicate that the value should be displayed with 2 decimal places.

Alternatively, you can use the num2str function to convert the numeric value to a string and concatenate it with other text:

num = 3.14159;
disp(['The value of pi is approximately ' num2str(num, '%.2f') '.']);
85 chars
3 lines


The value of pi is approximately 3.14.
39 chars
2 lines

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