create sequentially named diaries within loop in matlab

You can use string formatting to create the sequentially named diaries within a loop in matlab. Here is an example:

for i = 1:10
   filename = sprintf('diary_%02d.txt', i); %formats the string with two digits
   diary(filename); %creates the diary file with the formatted name
   %your code here
   diary off; %closes the diary file
221 chars
7 lines

In this example, sprintf is used to create a string with two digits for the loop counter. This string is then used to create the diary filename. The diary command is used to create a file with the filename, and later the diary off command is used to close the file.

This will create diary files with names "diary_01.txt", "diary_02.txt", "diary_03.txt", and so on.

gistlibby LogSnag