infinite loop that terminates on keyboard press in matlab

To create an infinite loop in Matlab, you can use the while loop with a condition that is always true. To terminate this infinite loop on a keyboard press, you can use the kbhit function in Matlab.

Here's an example code block to showcase how this can be done:

% Define a variable for keyboard press flag
stopFlag = false;

% Run an infinite loop 
while ~stopFlag
    % Your code goes here
    % Check for keyboard press 
    if kbhit
        % If a key is pressed, set the flag to true
        stopFlag = true;
268 chars
14 lines

In this code block, an infinite loop is started by using the while loop. The condition for the loop is always true (~stopFlag), which means the loop will run indefinitely until the stopFlag variable is set to true.

Inside the loop, you can add your own code that you want to run indefinitely until the loop is terminated.

The if kbhit statement checks for a keyboard press using the kbhit function in Matlab. If a key is pressed, the flag variable stopFlag is set to true which will terminate the loop.

Note: kbhit is only available on Windows machines with Matlab. If you are using a different operating system, you can use the waitforbuttonpress function instead.

gistlibby LogSnag