run a test in matlab

To run a test in MATLAB, you can use either the MATLAB Unit Test framework or the Function Testing framework. Here's an example using the MATLAB Unit Test framework:

  1. Create a new MATLAB script file.
  2. Define your test class as a subclass of the matlab.unittest.TestCase class, and define your test methods as methods in the class. Here's an example:
classdef MyTestClass < matlab.unittest.TestCase

    methods (Test)
        function testAddition(testCase)
            % Test the addition function
            result = addition(2, 3);
            expected = 5;
            testCase.verifyEqual(result, expected);

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13 lines
  1. Save your file with a .m extension.
  2. Run your test using the runtests function. This function takes the name of your test file as an argument:
results = runtests('MyTestClass');
35 chars
2 lines

This will run all of the test methods in your test class and report the results.

Alternatively, you can use the Function Testing framework to write tests for individual functions, rather than organizing them into test classes. Here's an example:

function testAddition
    % Test the addition function
    result = addition(2, 3);
    expected = 5;
    assert(result == expected, 'addition function did not produce expected result');
191 chars
7 lines

You can then run this test using the runtests function in the same way as before.

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