how to plot minimized fitness function and set its range in matlab

To plot a minimized fitness function and set its range in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define your fitness function as a MATLAB function. For example, let's say we have a fitness function called myFitnessFunction that takes a single input x:
function y = myFitnessFunction(x)
    y = x^2; % Example fitness function, you can replace it with your own function
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  1. Define the range of your fitness function. For example, let's assume you want to plot the fitness function between -10 and 10:
x = -10:0.1:10; % Define the range of x values
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  1. Use the fitness function and range to calculate the fitness values:
y = arrayfun(@myFitnessFunction, x); % Calculate the fitness values for each x
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  1. Plot the fitness function:
plot(x, y);
xlabel('x'); % Add x-axis label
ylabel('Fitness'); % Add y-axis label
title('Minimized Fitness Function'); % Add title to the plot
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Putting it all together, here's the complete code:

function y = myFitnessFunction(x)
    y = x^2; % Example fitness function, you can replace it with your own function

x = -10:0.1:10; % Define the range of x values
y = arrayfun(@myFitnessFunction, x); % Calculate the fitness values for each x

plot(x, y);
xlabel('x'); % Add x-axis label
ylabel('Fitness'); % Add y-axis label
title('Minimized Fitness Function'); % Add title to the plot
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You can replace myFitnessFunction with your own fitness function and adjust the range as per your requirement.

gistlibby LogSnag