create a gui in matlab

To create a GUI in MATLAB, first create a new uifigure using the following command:

fig = uifigure;
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Then, add different types of uicontrol objects such as buttons, sliders, text fields, etc. to the uifigure using the uicontrol command:

btn = uicontrol(fig,'push','Position',[100 100 50 30],'String','Click Me','Callback',@buttonCallback);
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This creates a new button uicontrol object in the uifigure at position [100 100] with a size of [50 30] and displays the text "Click Me" in the button. When the button is clicked, it will call a function buttonCallback. You can define this callback function as follows:

function buttonCallback(src,event)
    disp('Button Clicked!');
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This callback function simply displays a message on the MATLAB command window when the button is clicked. Similarly, you can create other uicontrol objects and define their callbacks to implement your desired GUI functionality.

For more advanced GUI development, you can also use the MATLAB App Designer tool which provides a drag-and-drop interface for building and designing GUIs.

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