how to create a gui in matlab

To create a GUI (Graphical User Interface) in MATLAB, you can use the built-in App Designer tool. The App Designer provides an easy and intuitive way to design and deploy MATLAB applications with a graphical user interface.

Here are the steps to create a simple GUI using App Designer in MATLAB:

  1. Open App Designer - Click on the App Designer icon in the MATLAB toolstrip to open the App Designer environment.

  2. Add components to the UI - Start adding components to your user interface. Select different UI components like buttons, sliders, text boxes, labels, etc., from the component library.

  3. Arrange components in the UI - Use the layout designer to position and arrange the components in your UI.

  4. Customize components - Add callbacks to the components to specify their behavior when an event is triggered.

  5. Test the app - Run the app to test and verify its functionality.

Here's an example of a simple GUI in MATLAB using App Designer:

classdef MyApp < matlab.apps.AppBase

    % Properties that correspond to app components
    properties (Access = public)
        UIFigure      matlab.ui.Figure
        Slider        matlab.ui.control.Slider
        EditField     matlab.ui.control.EditField

    % Callbacks that handle component events
    methods (Access = private)

        % Value changed function: Slider
        function SliderValueChanged(app, event)
            value = app.Slider.Value;
            app.EditField.Value = num2str(value);


    % App initialization and construction
    methods (Access = private)

        % Create UIFigure and components
        function createComponents(app)

            % Create UIFigure
            app.UIFigure = uifigure;

            % Create Slider
            app.Slider = uislider(app.UIFigure);
            app.Slider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @SliderValueChanged, true);

            % Create EditField
            app.EditField = uieditfield(app.UIFigure, 'numeric');
            app.EditField.Editable = 'off';
            app.EditField.Position = [20 40 100 22];


    % App startup and deletion
    methods (Access = public)

        % Construct app
        function app = MyApp

            % Create components

            % Show the figure after all components are created
            app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on';

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57 lines

This app creates a slider and an edit field. When the slider value is changed, the value is displayed in the edit field. You can run this app in MATLAB and test it out.

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