a nmr signal use resnet to denoise in matlab

To denoise an NMR signal using ResNet in Matlab, you can follow these steps:

  1. Load the NMR signal data in Matlab using the load function.
data = load('nmr_signal.mat');
nmr_signal = data.nmr_signal;
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  1. Preprocess the signal data by normalizing the values.
nmr_signal = nmr_signal/max(nmr_signal);
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  1. Split the signal into training and testing sets.
training_signal = nmr_signal(1:5000);
testing_signal = nmr_signal(5001:end);
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  1. Create the ResNet model using the resnet50 function in Matlab's Deep Learning Toolbox.
resnet = resnet50;
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  1. Define the options for the training process, including the learning rate, mini-batch size, and number of epochs.
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
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  1. Create a data set for training the ResNet model using the prepareData function.
training_data = prepareData(training_signal);
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  1. Train the ResNet model using the trainNetwork function with the training data and options.
resnet = trainNetwork(training_data, resnet, options);
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  1. Use the trained ResNet model to denoise the testing signal by passing it through the network.
denoised_signal = predict(resnet, testing_signal);
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  1. Compare the original signal and the denoised signal using a plot.

Here is an example of the prepareData function:

function data = prepareData(signal)
data = [];
for i = 1:length(signal)-9
    data = cat(4, data, signal(i:i+9)); 
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This function takes a signal vector as input and outputs a data set with the last dimension equal to 10, which represents the 10-sample window used to denoise the signal.

gistlibby LogSnag