train a deep neural network in matlab

To train a deep neural network in Matlab, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Load your training dataset and preprocess it as necessary.
% Load dataset
data = load('my_dataset.mat');

% Preprocess data here
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  1. Define your neural network architecture.
layers = [
    % Add more layers here
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  1. Set training options:
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
    'InitialLearnRate', 0.01, ...
    'MaxEpochs', 50, ...
    'MiniBatchSize', 64, ...
    'Verbose', false, ...
    'Plots', 'training-progress');
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  1. Train the neural network using the trainNetwork function.
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, YTrain, layers, options);
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Here, XTrain and YTrain are your training data and corresponding labels.

  1. Evaluate the performance of the trained neural network using the classify or predict function.
YPred = classify(net, XTest);
accuracy = sum(YPred == YTest)/numel(YTest)
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Here, XTest and YTest are your test data and corresponding labels.

Note that these steps are a high-level overview and you may need to modify them to suit your specific use case. Additionally, there are many more options for configuring your neural network model and training options, which you can find in the Matlab documentation.

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